Thursday, 29 August 2013

Well well well it's been a while!

Ok so super slackness on the blogging front is quite evident as I haven't posted anything for a while. It's not because I don't like sharing but because there is so much social media out in the cyber (is anyone calling it that now-a-days or am I being a bit out dated?) world to interact through. You have twitter, facebook, instagram, pinterest, and many many more. Not to mention the interactive games you can play with friends too.

Some of these options are more fun that others and addictive... facebook and candy crush I'm looking at you!

Lately I have really felt like social media is sucking the life out of well, my social life!

By social life I not only mean drinks with friends but interacting with my family as well. So I ran a little experiment over the last week to see if I can break the bad habits I have unknowingly let myself get into with social media.

I am a big believer in limiting a child's exposure to electronic devices and have time limits for both my children along with the golden rule that if the sun is shining they need to be outside enjoying it. Obviously things like homework and chores need to be completely first but they are usually out of the way within 45-60 minutes of getting home from school. So I gave myself the rule that the computer, my iphone, TV, and other electronic devices are not allowed to be used while my children are awake.

This week I have planted a veggie patch, practised skipping in preparation for jump rope for heart, played with matchbox cars, used a hula hoop, and discovered a family of kookaburra's have moved into my back yard. All this and more while spending time with my children and seeing how in such a small amount of time so many fun things can be done and explored.

Not only that but my washing pile is looking reasonable in the lead up to the weekend, dinners have been more satisfying and yummy, and my house looks generally tidier. The unexpected outcome is that I feel calmer when I wake up in the morning and there isn't a pile of dishes waiting for me, or when I know exactly where to find the necessary clothes for everyone because they are washed and put away, or that there is no missed last minute homework to get completed for school.

I think my experiment needs to extend past a week or even a month or even a year so that I can get a bit of sanity back into my crazy whirlwind life and really enjoy the time I have with my children. You know before they become unruly teenagers and claim I am ruining there lives for wanting to spend time with them. But that an entirely different topic... rant over.

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